
Sam Hampsher-Monk

Managing Director
BOTEC Analysis

Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk is the managing director of BOTEC Analysis, a consultancy that conducts international policy research on cannabis, tobacco, and nicotine products. BOTEC’s clients have included national and state regulators, municipal agencies, law firms, testing labs, research institutions, and philanthropies including Global Action to End Smoking (formerly the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World).

Hampsher-Monk has led international and interdisciplinary research teams working to optimize regulations to promote public health and minimize unintended consequences that threaten social justice and civil liberties. He is the lead author of Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health; Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction.

Hampsher-Monk was educated in the U.K. and now lives in California with his wife and two children.