
Morgana Daniele

Member of Parliament
Republic of Lithuania and Chair of the Lithuanian Commission for Addiction Prevention

Morgana Daniele is a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, chair of the Commission for Addiction Prevention, a member of the Committee of Health Affairs, and the head of the Parliamentary Group for Reproductive Health and Rights.

During her time in Parliament, Daniele has proposed bills on women’s rights, including reproductive rights, domestic violence elimination, and prevention of gender-based violence. In addition to this, Daniele is an executive committee member of the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights. She has also actively advocated for change in healthcare, especially in mental health services and protection of human rights for marginalized people.

Serving as the chair of the Commission for Addiction Prevention, Daniele has led the parliamentary debate on evidence-based drug policy with the redirection of funding from punitive measures to prevention and harm reduction.

Prior to becoming a member of Parliament, Daniele worked extensively in the field of harm reduction in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.